Dogodnie usytuowany w Fareham, pomiędzy Southampton i Portsmouth, hotel ten jest idealną bazą wypadową do odwiedzenia parków biznesowych usytuowanych przy autostradzie M27 oraz licznych atrakcji turystycznych, jakie ma do zaoferowania ten region.

Just of the M27 between Portsmouth and Southampton, this luxurious hotel has great leisure and spa facilities, its own country-style pub, and an AA Rosette for dining. Solent Hotel was a finalist in the 2009 'Tourism Southeast ExSEllence Awards'.

Ideally located within easy reach of the M27, Premier Inn Fareham is close to Segensworth Business Park, with good access to Fareham Train Station and Fareham town centre.

In the heart of Fareham, Lysses House is an elegant Georgian hotel on the High Street, a short walk from the town centre and easily accessible from the M27.