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- Reboredo
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Usytuowany na skąpanym w słońcu wybrzeżu Costa Blanca hotel Denia Marriott La Sella jest jednym z najbardziej luksusowych hoteli w prowincji Alicante.

The 4-star Daniya Denis Hotel Spa is located in Denia, in the Spanish region of Alicante along the Costa Blanca, close to the sandy Les Marinas beach and not far from town.

The Hotel Les Rotes is situated in the Montgó nature reserve, and is the perfect place to enjoy a tranquil getaway. Housed in a stately home, the Les Rotes is just a short walk from the stunning bay of Punta Negra.

At the foot of the Denia Castle, looking out over the Mediterranean, the Posada del Mar offers an unforgettable stay in an historically famous 13th century building.

Ogisaka Garden offers comfortable apartment-style accommodation in 500 m² of tranquil attractive gardens, just 250 metres from Las Rotas beautiful beach and 750 metres from the resort centre.

This charming, maritime-themed hotel looks out over the Mediterranean Sea from its beachfront setting on the beautiful Costa Blanca. Enjoy direct access from the Noguera Mar to the clean golden sands and clear waters of the adjacent beach.

Housed in a charming town house, dating from the 19th century, the Palau Verd in the coast in Denia, and a short walk from the Macizo del Montgó and Las Rotas Marine Reserve.

This boutique hotel is beautifully situated in a stately 19th century house which has been carefully restored, retaining the style proper to its period as well as its original aspects.

This family-run hotel is situated right on the beach in an idyllic location with marvellous views and large terraces overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Its location is unbeatable, just steps from a fine sandy beach.