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Hotele w regionie
Dolesca Park Hotel

Ten przytulny rodzinny hotel jest doskona艂膮 baz膮 noclegow膮 w Ardenach i oferuje proste, eleganckie pokoje, pi臋kny ogr贸d oraz saun臋. Go艣cie mog膮 si臋 tu relaksowa膰 tak偶e przy kominku w salonie.

Aux Massotais

With a childrens farm and a wonderful bar, with its seating area at the fireplace, this small family hotel welcomes you to the Belgian Ardennes. Benefit from free Wi-Fi internet access and free private parking at the Aux Massotais.

Les Myrtilles

Usytuowany w le偶膮cym po艣r贸d arde艅skich las贸w Vielsalm, mie艣cie czarodziejek (cit茅 des Macralles), hotel Les Myrtilles zaczerpn膮艂 sw膮 nazw臋 od gatunku dzikich jag贸d, kt贸re rosn膮 w tym regionie. Ten urokliwy hotel oferuje swym Go艣ciom komfort i spok贸j.

Hotel Villa Des Effats

Situated in its beautiful private park, this charming house has homely rooms and a barbecue and salad-bar restaurant. Its cosy conservatory offers a wonderful view of the green surroundings.

L'auberge Du Notaire

L'Auberge du Notaire is a kind hotel with great emphasis on your comfort and pleasure. Enjoy the free Wi-Fi and enjoy the personal care of the owners Mart and Monique. In his former attorney house, the stately wooden staircase leads up to your room.

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