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- Celorio
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- Cervo
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- Covas
- Covas
- Covas
- Covas
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- Foz
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- Lasarte
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- Lestedo
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- Loredo
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- Mestas
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- Mieres
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- Montouto
- Montouto
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- Murueta
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- Oleiros
- Oleiros
- Oleiros
- Oleiros
- Oleiros
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- Reboredo
- Reboredo
- Reboredo
- Reboredo
- Reboredo
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- Ribeira
- Ribeira
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- Salas
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- Sallent
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- Siero
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- Trabada
- Trabada
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- Villafranca
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- Villamayor
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- Zahara
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- Zarauz
- Zuheros
- Zumaia

Typical Asturian farmhouse, dating back to the 17th century refurbished in a ten room hotel, with 3 suites, restaurant, café-room , sitting room with fireplace , etc… preserving the original structures and materials.

This charming hotel is situated 1.5 km from Villaviciosa, making this a perfect location to visit the central and eastern areas of Asturias. History has largely been preserved in the diverse spaces of the Casona de Amandi.

This row of modern apartments is surrounded by apple orchards in the beautiful Asturian countryside. Each apartment blends fine wood and traditional furniture with modern design.

The Mirador de Moriyón Hotel is located in a spot 250 metres above Villaviciosa`s river, between the mountains and the sea. It enjoys spectacular views of Villaviciosa`s estuary and Rodiles` beach.

The hostel is situated just in front of the exotic and well attended garden park of the Villaviciosa municipality. Hostal El Congreso is surrounded by traditional cider bars, where you can taste the best cider of the region.

Located in the historical and monumental center of Villaviciosa, one of the most emblematic buildings of Villaviciosa. Being runned by the owners of the building makes it more welcoming to their guests.