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Located in the heart of the historic centre by the River Arlanzón and opposite the cathedral, this sophisticated hotel has been beautifully renovated from a former palace and boasts wonderful arched ceilings.

The Meliá Fernán González Boutique Hotel hotel is located in the heart of the historical and monumental city center of Burgos. 150 m from the Cathedral and just 5 minutes from Las Huelgas Monastery.

This modern and functional hotel, situated close to Burgos city centre, offers free Wi-Fi and parking, and free-to-use paddle tennis courts.

Perfectly located in the historic city centre of Burgos and close to the cathedral, this 18th-century palace has been completely renovated into a contemporary hotel with 4-star facilities.

This impressive, 4-star hotel offers amazing views of the city from its hilltop position above Burgos, just 300 metres from the magnificent cathedral and close to the Castillo viewpoint.

Set in the heart of historic Burgos, this modern hotel is ideal for visiting the city's ancient sights or the nearby congress centre. The Sercotel Corona de Castilla is found in the city centre of Burgos, famously known as the home of El Cid.

The hotel is located in the business centre of the city. All rooms are equipped with a LCD TV including analog and digital channels. Some rooms also have safety boxes.

Set in the heart of Burgos and next to its emblematic Gothic cathedral, this hotel is the ideal place from which to explore the sights of this historical city. Relax with friends or colleagues in the comfortable AC Lounge.

The new Hotel Silken Gran Teatro boasts a privileged position in the monumental city of Burgos, allowing you to explore the rich local historic and artistic heritage.