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- Covas
- Covas
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- Montouto
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- Oleiros
- Oleiros
- Oleiros
- Oleiros
- Oleiros
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- Reboredo
- Reboredo
- Reboredo
- Reboredo
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- Ribeira
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- Trabada
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This typically-Cantabrian hotel is surrounded by verdant lawns, just 300 metres from the bars, restaurants and shops of Suances, on Spain’s Green Coast.

The Hotel Azul is located in Suances, a little fishing village along the Cantabrian coast. Suance's privileged location is due to its close proximity to all the places of interest in the region.

Enjoy the tranquillity and fantastic views offered by this riverside setting, 700 metres from central Suances. Here you will find facilities ranging from outdoor tennis courts to indoor pools.

This is a wonderful opportunity to discover the beautiful village of Suances along the Cantabrian Coast whilst staying in this pleasant, comfortable and functional hotel.

Built in an impressive, 21st-century style, this new hotel is a fashionable, romantic choice for your stay in the picturesque seaside town of Suances.

Set in the pretty fishing village of Suances, this apartment complex boasts breathtaking views over La Concha beach and is surrounded by a beautiful natural environment.

Located near Cantabria’s famous, golden beaches this charming hotel has an indoor pool, a pleasant terrace and a tennis court for making use of the fresh country air.

The hotel is situated on the front line of the beach in the picturesque coastal town Suances, where you can enjoy a relaxing holiday in tranquil surroundings.

Located right on the water and the near La Ribera beach, this charming hotel has a restaurant serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. Enjoy fabulous Cantabrian views over the water.